a biocentric, intelligent wayfinding and application system helping humans and quolls travel safely, sustaining the Australian mainland ecosystem and preventing roadkill.
the brief.
Roadkill is among the biggest killers of Australian animals with detrimental social and economic costs, with 10 million animals hit yearly and $7 billion spent on recovery for drivers toward road trauma from these accidents. With the Eastern Quoll, a marsupial species crucial to the Australian ecosystem, being reintroduced to mainland Australia for their survival, there is a demand for initiatives to improve collaboration between drivers and wildlife on rural Australian roads.
the concept.
EQuoll is for equal rights for drivers and quolls to get to where they need to be, minus the death toll.
The branding solution combines the Eastern Quoll’s natural habitat and physical features with Australian road sign design conventions to offer a playful yet cautious tone that can be emulated within a wayfinding and application system designed to trigger drivers and attune to their mental model of safe driving to become more cautious around active Quoll zones. The additional integration of AI camera sensors such as CVEDIA-RT and speaker systems allows Quolls to be weary of peak traffic, using sounds of the Tasmanian Devil to alert and deter them from travelling near busy roads. Adaptable to multiple environments in rural Australian bushland using an upcycled wayfinding model and accessible user application, it is a sustainable and economic design solution that considers how human-centric design systems can create a shared dialogue with wildlife and become biocentric. EQuoll is for equal rights, allowing both Australians and their wildlife to have ‘a fair go’ (a strong principle in Australian culture) in getting to their destination without the death toll.